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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How to start making 10 times more money on the internet?

There are two ways to start making 10 times more money on the internet: whether you work 10 times harder or you work 10 times smarter.

Which way have you chosen? :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Earnings in November

It's been a while...)

At last I have some free time to write about my affiliate success (strange but despite the enormous lack of free time I'm still successful in my affiliate affairs).

Ok, in November I uplifted my income again, and I managed to make the whopping 1726 $ - cool! (+40$ from another affiliate program)

Ok, how I managed to increase my revenues? Simple, I implemented PPC strategies to my new unfinished site promoting penis enlargement products. I realised that SEO takes a lot of time that I don't have now, so I decided to play PPC game and more, to succeed in it.

The whole thing turned to be as easy as pie. I cannot understand why many affiliate marketers are afraid of PPC and don't try this amazing opportunity to make profits fast and easy! Imagine, you set up your campaign and start getting traffic in a matter of hours, the sales come in also if you've done everything right.

How I started PPC game?

I created comprehensive review page about well-converting penis product promoted by MoreNiche. As the price for such products is between 190 and 400+$, you have to understand that people need no buy-from-me-now bullshit but a comprehensive information about the product, it's benefits and negatives. This helps to make the buying decision.

I made that review, described the product and it's bonuses, showed how a man can benefit from it and solve his problem, added several images of the product and made strong calls-to-action on my page. Several in-text deep links to merchant's site also.

Then, I created AdWords campaign and targeted it for people already looking for this specific product (MoreNiche products have very good brand awareness, that's why you can make money easily).

People clicked on my ad, then clicked-trough to product's site and sometimes ordered the product))) So far in November I've made more than 800$ in comissions from the site that is not complete yet.

There were also good sales of weight loss product, that made me over 800$ in comissions also, but I have to admit I did nothing for my weight loss site, and these sales are coming thanks to top positions in Google.

Gotta add some articles and links not to lose my top positions.

Other affiliate programs

My friend showed me aff program - Puremeds.com - that promoted penis enhancemet pills with a free 1 bottle trial. I signed up and decided to use direct links just to see how it works. The site's landing page looked good, so I created AdWords campaign, targeted it for people looking for free penis pills trials, and launched it.

The keywords were cheap, and my campaign turned profitable, as I earned 40$ in comissions. Thanks to this comissions I managed to open Epassporte account to recieve money fast.

Now this campaign lost success, but I see that if direct linking worked, pre-sell informative LP will work great to generate orders. I just have to find time to create the site about popular products and provide visitors with valuable info helping to make buying decision.

MN Wallet

While writing the post, I got Moreniche Wallet as a free gift for making over 200 posts in Moreniche forum. Nice wallet to store my comissions in :)

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