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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Good news and bad news in my affiliate experience

It's been a while since my last post... And there is the reason for that. Don't think I'm not having something to write about - I actually have sooo many ideas to write and to share about, but...

OK, let's start from the


I'm a bank employee, lending officer. While I worked in auto dealer salon, I had internet, and I had more free time to work with my affiliate business. Now I returned to bank, and NO INTERNET access is available for me, just as the free time(((

The only time I have for my affiliate business is after work, actually it's 2-3 hours late in the night.

Now I'm changing my attitude and make myself 3X self-organised than before.

My current goal is spending 2 times less time for my business but make it X times more efficient! And continue to reach my financial goal of 1000$ of monthly income.

I'll write how I do that in the next posts... Gotta finish this one first :) Ok, now it's time fro the


WOW! That's all I can say thinking of my 2 first weeks of October! Let's keep it short - all I did were minot tweaks to my main site - I changed call to action on a product description page (made it more emotionally incentive) and added a subheading on the page where I had most of my sales from.

That's all! I wrote no articles, I added no new pages to my site, I just added links that other webmaters requested me. I did no routine work, as you can see, my site works on itself now. And makes me money.

I actually doubled my conversions and reached 1/35. For the first 2 weeks of October, I made 1-2 sales almost DAILY (with rare exceptions), and..... I've already beaten my Moreniche income of the whole previous month! See the proof below:

The highly-converting products - it's one of the most unbeatable advantages of MoreNiche affialite program. By the way, if you click this link, you can see me among top 10 affialites of this period. And see how much money people make per day - you can do this too!

Ok, back to me - yesterday and today I made another 2 sales, so that sum increased already.


Short here - finish my 3rd review site about penis enlargement product (highly converting!), create several Landing Pages for Worldniche penis enlargement products (and test Pay Per Click traffic buying) and to become the PPC master =) As top affialite sellers are good at PPC and make over 1000$ daily!!!


Today I also got my first cheque from JoeBucks. I made a sale in September from my site, so today I got a surprise in my mail box - this nice piece of paper


I'm very satisfied with my business, and I wish you the same! My current financial goal is closer now...


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