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Monday, October 1, 2007

Earnings in September

Well, september is over and I have unexpectedly nice result! More than in August, total 9 sales and net result is 440 $.

It was all real fun - maybe you read my birthday post, I made 4 sales in that day totally, making total 220$ in one day! It was incredible gift for my birthday, but afterwards...

Just one sale with 20$ comission and - silence! No sales at all. The discount program for weight loss product was over, and I decided I met my dark time in business.

I kept concentrating on reading, learning and creating my 3rd site. All I did for my main income site were links exchanges - lots of them. When your site is in top 10 in Google, you just have to sit and receive LOADS of emails asking to exchange links with you!

I thought Septermber isn't gonna be better than August, and yesterday I was about writing this post about my total earnings, but suddenly ...!

2 sales and 140 $ comission, with the last September sale made hours before September ended - so, I set up new record of 440 $ in affiliate comissions. All my sales except one were from Moreniche.

To be frank, I did almost nothing for my main income site - as you see, the greatest benefit of affiliate business is once you set up your income stream - it starts to work on its own! And with high quality set of products on Moreniche and Worldniche it is a guaranteed way for extra income.


Just as I was writing the post, I made my first October sale. I also check top Moreniche sellers stats and see lots of opportunities in penis enlargement product niche. The guyes who came to Moreniche just a month ago and created their first site, are making their first sales already!

I better hurry up with my site on penis product as missing 175$ comission from 1 sale is stoopid =)

Are you ready to lose the opportunity of making 175$ from just 1 sale? Then don't sign-up to Moreniche now! :)

If you nevertheless decided to start your own extra source of income, sign up and send me your affiliate ID and any questions to anthony_voronoff [at] yahoo.com. I can help you with advice how to start it faster and not make mistakes I made.


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