Learn to make money online NOW!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Building your own online income from scratch - how it happens...

What is affiliate online business? To put it simple - you signup to an affiliate program, learn the product they are offering to sell, and sell this product on the internet by any means possible :)

These can be:

  • build your own website or blog and attract visitors interested in your products, "presell" them and lead to the product site where they are supposed to order product
  • attract traffic to the special "presell" website by means of Google Adwords or analogs
  • use any other ways of promotion (email lists, article marketing, doorways and so on...)

I started from my own site as it gives the most permanent traffic and great for promoting products.

I knew nothing about it - how to create site, how to build site structure, what are keywords, what is f...ing "html" - nothing! Not saying of SEO and site promotion.

So I started to learn it all - got several books on html language, created test pages and mini sites, then got a book on Dreamweaver and trained myself creating pages in it.

Then I got several books on site promotion and SEO optimisation and read them all. All of that was a really hard work (which pays off now successfully!). There was no Making You Richer then, so it was really hard for a novice to suck in all that enormous knowledge...

What about time consumption?

Learning html took me 2 weeks of evereday reading/testing

Dreamweaver - 2 weeks of reading a book and testing my knowledge in the program.

How to create sites - oh man I read so many articles on topic that I cannot even remember - seems I did it all the time :)

And then I just gave it all up! I watched entertaining sites, talked on icq, fool's paradise. I just spent too many time and energy on learning that my subconcsious refused to keep up.

Just imagine - you work so hard but no money you see - 95% give it up usually and get back to working full-time for a small salary.

By the way, forgot to say that I did it while working full-time! I did it all on job when I had free time.

Only in December 2006 I started in my first site seriously and after month it was ready.

The story seems too long so I return back to it in my future posts, it's time for tea now :)


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